Criminal Defense

DUI - DWI Defense

Mr. Williams handles both DUI/DWI cases for alcohol and drug violations. This includes standard breath DUIs over .08 BAC (alcohol content) and aggravated offenses over .15 BAC as well as DUI/DWI cases for drug impairment and arrests by law enforcement Drug Recognition Experts (DREs). Whether it is a misdemeanor charge or a multiple offense felony charge, he can help.

There have been many changes to the Ignition Interlock and Nebraska state DUI laws over the past decade. You need an experienced attorney on your side, particularly someone who appreciates the nuances involved in reviewing and challenging DUI charges in a court of law.

What Happens After a DUI Arrest

In most cases, following a DUI arrest you will receive a piece of paper (sworn report) that is a temporary license which is good for only 15 days. It is typically in the form of a yellow carbon–copy form. The FRD (Financial Responsibility Division) of the DMV cannot authorize an IIP (Ignition Interlock Permit) until the 16th day after the arrest (or 46th day if prior conviction(s) exist within 15 years, or 90th day if there was a refusal of the testing). However, steps towards getting the interlock should be taken prior to that date so on that date you can get the permit with no extra waiting time. With regard to a potential Administrative License Revocation (ALR) from the DMV, we recommend that you move quickly to garner the IIP so that you may legally drive as soon as you are eligible.

DUI and 1st ALR = You may drive immediately with the Ignition Interlock.

Multiple DUI and 2nd (or more) ALR = You must wait 45 days before becoming eligible for the Ignition Interlock Permit.

Refusal of breath or blood test = You must wait 90 days before becoming eligible for the Ignition Interlock Permit.

DUI Arrest

Steps to Obtain the Ignition Interlock Permit (IIP)

Call the Financial Responsibility Department of the Department of Motor Vehicles in Lincoln, Nebraska at 402-471-3985; choose option #4, this is to verify that you are eligible to obtain the IIP.

Follow this link to the DMV website and print out and complete the IIP application.

Schedule an installation of the Ignition Interlock device with an authorized business in this state.

The FRD of the DMV requires the two documents from steps 3 and 4 (in most cases) to complete the application process for the IIP. The first is the application form and the second is the installation certificate (this is given to you after the installation of the device by the technicians).

After the installation is completed, fax or mail in the two above documents to the FRD of the DMV at 402-471-8288. Typically, the installer will handle this for you.

The DMV will take a couple of days to process the application and certificate of installation. You should call to make sure that you have been processed and approved at 402-471-3985, choose option #4. Do not waste your time going to your local DMV without getting verification from the DMV in Lincoln.

Go to your local DMV location that has driver’s license services and obtain your new IIP for a fee.

**Please note that if you do not obtain the IIP from the DMV then the Court may order that you have the Interlock installed as a part of any sentence you may receive following a DUI conviction. Also, your vehicle plates and registration may be temporarily impounded by the Court.

Drug Related Charges

If you have been arrested in Nebraska on drug related charges, you could be facing imprisonment, hefty fines, and other serious consequences. In fact, even people who have “paid their debt” for a drug crime are often still haunted by their past when they search for employment, apply to colleges, or form new relationships.

Take control of your future by contacting skilled Nebraska drug crimes attorney Robert Williams. Mr. Williams is well versed in litigation dealing with illegal stops and searches, drug dogs, as well as drug laboratory testing requirements and thresholds.


For the State to obtain a conviction for felony possession of concentrated THC (oil, wax, cartridge, edible), they must produce a valid lab test showing that the substance tested greater than 10% THC. This testing is not always done due to limited lab availability, time and cost of the testing itself.

With more than 20 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney, Mr. Williams has a long track record of getting drug charges dismissed or reduced for his clients. He and his team work tirelessly to protect the rights of Nebraska residents, out-of-state visitors, college students, and others charged with drug crimes.

Types of drug-related cases we handle:

  • All drug related cases (possession, transport, or delivery)
  • Marijuana & THC derivatives, edibles, shatter, wax, oil, paraphernalia and more
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Heroin
  • Synthetic drugs
  • Drug possession with intent to distribute
  • Interstate 80 (I-80) and highway drug stops
  • Drug dog cases
  • Transport of drugs from Colorado
  • Drug-related DUI/DWI
Drug Checkpoint Ahead Sign

Assault Related Crimes

If you have been arrested in Nebraska on assault charges, you could be facing imprisonment, hefty fines, and other serious consequences. Assault convictions can follow you for the rest of your life and could affect your future employment, gun rights, voting rights and more. 

Take control of your future by contacting skilled Nebraska assault crimes attorney Robert Williams. With more than 20 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney, Robert has a long track record of getting assault charges dismissed or reduced for his clients. He and his team work tirelessly to protect the rights of his clients.


Assault Related Charges We Handle:

  • Assault Cases (1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree)
  • Assault and Battery under Omaha City Code
  • Sexual Assault Crimes
  • Statutory Rape
  • Assault by a Confined Person
  • Assault on a Healthcare Professional, Officer or State Actor
  • Strangulation
  • False Imprisonment
  • Terrorist Threats
  • Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace
  • Fight by Mutual Consent
Williams Law 0019 web

Other Matters

  • Traffic Cases
  • Defense of various civil matters
  • Sex Crimes
  • 15 year revoked license reprieve
  • Defense of various civil matters
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Plaintiff and Defense matters